Sunday, March 10, 2013

Carnegie: Phase 2 Has Begun

In January of 2011, I stumbled upon an idea for a themed magic act that excited me, until I discovered that someone else was doing it. A show in  Las Vegas had invested a great deal of money into a venture with the same theme. I chose to pass on the idea. Their show closed in two months time.

Here we are in 2013 and a friend brings up the concept again to me. I begin to think on it, study it, research it and I come to a new conclusion, this is the idea that I have been searching for most of my career. This concept is the thing that incorporates parts of my life and interests into the show and makes it relevant to me. It puts all the magic into context for me. I instantly understood who my character was, what I want to accomplish and how I want to proceed. At this point the act is writing itself. I can hardly keep up with the new ideas and routines. I will tell you that I'm aware of several others doing an act with a similar theme but their ideas and mine are quite different. No one, is approaching this in the way that I intend to.

My interests include: Magic History, American History, Art, Literature, Science Fiction, and of course performing. I'm spend more time mentally in other time periods trying to understand the magic of that time and figuring out a way to make things of the past relevant for today. But try as I might I could never find the one thing that brought all my interests together under thing...until now.

It's time for a reboot and a rebranding. In December of 2012 I uploaded a teaser video that CARNEGIE would be making a come-back in 2013. Indeed, soon  you'll see a whole new act! Until then enjoy the teaser...

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