Thursday, November 07, 2013

Trying A Fresh Approach To Magic thru Steampunk Magic

At the theatre show we did last weekend, one of my favorite comments was how 'fresh and original' our act was. This is funny in an ironic sort of way because the material for the most part has been around for 100 years or so. We have added our own twists here and there. Of course, our approach is to infuse the magic with Steampunk. We are not the first to do this, nor will we be the last. But we have tried to approach it from our own unique perspective.

One routine that is an important part of our show was actually the creation of Orson Welles the famous movie star and film director. Orson was an avid magic fan and even toured with his own Illusion Show for a period of time. This creation of his was later adopted by Doug Henning and I recall seeing Doug perform it on TV and live at his shows. The basic plot is borrowed object to impossible location. Our contribution is to wrap it in a time travel setting with a miniature teleportation device. It's a strong piece of magic, but not without it's issues. It's not easy to do. It has many restrictions. And borrowing objects can be problematic these days. But the end results, we find, are well worth it. Having said all that, the routine continues to evolve because we want the strongest routines possible for our show.

Another piece we presented during the show was a very unconventional escape. Usually, with escapology, the star of the show does the escape. However, in this instance, my assistant, who is also more partner than assistant, is featured. It is not a rough and tumble sort of escape where there is a lot of struggle. Instead, this escape is delicate and fast and to be honest, quite astonishing. I had magicians come up to me after the show and say how this fooled them. No surprise, it fooled me the first time I saw it presented. The way in which it was performed last weekend will change slightly in the future. It does not contain any sort of time travel or steampunk element, however, simply by the nature of the prop, it fits perfectly into the act. Having just said that, hmmmmm, I think I might have a clever premise to add to the routine!

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